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Proletkult, or Proletarskaya Kultura, was a organization that attempted to bring about a new Proletarian culture through Artistic development and exprimentation. While the chief observation, that revolution does not end with the seizure of the means of production and that culture iteslf must be revolutionized was correct, the manner in which this was aproached was subpar, failing to bring about any meaningful change to the superstructure.

Proletkult the blog carries forward the spirit of its namesake organization, exploring the intersection of culture, revolution and Marxism in general. It serves as a platform for exploration of Marxism in the modern day, particularly from a proletarian perspective. Through essays, articles, and discussions, it aims to provoke thought and a development of Marxist approaches.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or criticisms about the content presented on Proletkult, please feel free to reach out at
